Φιλική Ιστοσελίδα

Τετάρτη 30 Ιουλίου 2014

5Dimes Becomes Latest Online Sportsbook to Accept Bitcoin

Posted by Betman on 18:30

Popular 5Dimes.com, a US-facing online sportsbook, has become the latest to embrace the anonymous digital currency bitcoin.

5Dimes began accepting bitcoin deposits early this month but withdrawals via this method will be unavailable for the foreseeable future.

Bitcoin will be converted into US currency at the time of deposit as, as such, customers will not be exposed to fluctuations in bitcoin’s exchange rate.

Over the past month, bitcoin has traded slightly above $600 on average across the various exchanges.
To date, only a handful of established online sportsbooks have begun accepting bitcoin to compliment other popular deposit and payment methods.

- Aaron Goldstein, Gambling911.com

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Convicted Casino Lobbyist Questions Rick Perry Online Gambling Stance

Posted by Betman on 09:50

The biggest casino lobbyist and an individual who served time for that activity, Jack Abramoff, has spoken out regarding Texas Governor Rick Perry’s stance on Internet gambling.

Perry is one of a handful of Republican politicians who oppose legalizing Web gambling in the US.  The Texas Governor, who is expected to run for US President in 2016, also received a substantial campaign contribution for his previous Presidential run from Las Vegas Sands chairman Sheldon Adelson.  Mr. Adelson not only opposed the legalization of online gambling, he is also on a crusade to stop it.

The gaming industry is entirely a political creation, and everything about it is politics,” Abramoff told WND in an exclusive interview. “These politics are generally shaped in the public good, but all of it relates to politics and market share.”

Abramoff should know.  He served 43 months in prison for his representation of the Tribal casino sector.

The one-time lobbyist charged the tribes millions but saved them billions by ensuring votes to support the livelihoods of their reservations.
For his part, Perry denies having even spoken to Adelson on the subject of Internet gambling.  He tells all in a new book entitled “Capitol Punishment”.

Gilbert Horowitz, Gambling911.com

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Οι 5 παίκτες που έχουν κερδίσει τα περισσότερα επταψήφια έπαθλα

Posted by Betman on 05:30

Gus Hansen: Πέντε επταψήφια έπαθλα

Μπορεί τα τελευταία χρόνια να είναι γνωστός στην κοινότητα του πόκερ ως ο πιο χαμένος παίκτης όλων των εποχών ωστόσο λίγο πιο παλιά η πορεία του στα τραπέζια ήταν λαμπρή.

Το πιο πρόσφατο επταψήφιο έπαθλο που έχει κερδίσει είναι μία θέση αξίας $1.000.000 στο One Drop του 2012. Ο Hansen έπαιξε στο τουρνουά του $1.000.000 ωστόσο δεν κατάφερε να πληρωθεί.

Το 2010 κέρδισε $1.000.000 στο Poker Million που μεταδιδόταν τηλεοπτικά. Το 2005 είχε κερδίσει επίσης $1.000.000 όταν αναδείχτηκε νικητής στο Poker Superstars Invitational.

Το 2007 κέρδισε το Aussie Millions για $1,192,919 ενώ το μεγαλύτερο cash που έχει σημειώσει στην καριέρα του ήταν όταν έφτασε μέχρι το heads up του WPT Championship και τερμάτισε 2ος για $1,714,800.

Michael Mizrachi: Πέντε επταψήφια έπαθλα

Ο πιο επιτυχημένος από τα αδέρφια Mizrachi δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι άλλος από τον Michael Mizachi που έχει κερδίσει 2 φορές το $50,000 Players Championship.Από αυτούς τους δύο τίτλους ο Michael κέρδισε το 2010 το ποσό των $1,559,046 και το 2012 ακόμη $1,451,527. .

 Το 2010 μπήκε επίσης στους November 9 και κέρδισε $2,332,992.

Επιπλέον από τους πρώτους τίτλους που κέρδισε ο Mizrachi στην καριέρα του συμμετέχοντας σε WPT είχε κερδίσει έπαθλο ύψους $1,173,373 το 2006 και $1,859,909 το 2005.

Phil Ivey: Πέντε επταψήφια έπαθλα

Το πρώτο επταψήφιο έπαθλο ο Phil Ivey το κέρδισε το 2005 οπότε και κέρδισε ακριβώς $1.000.000 στο Monte Carlo Millions. Το 2008 έφτασε πολλές φορές κοντά σε επταψήφια έπαθλα αλλά τελευταία LA Poker Classic όπου αναδείχτηκε νικητής για $1,596,100.

Την επόμενη χρονιά, το 2009, έφτασε μέχρι τους November 9 του WSOP Main Event και κέρδισε $1.404.014.

Το 2012, κέρδισε το $250,000 Challenge στο Aussie Millions για $2.058.948 και επανέλαβε τον άθλο του φετος κερδίζοντας ακόμη $3,582,753.

Sam Trickett: Πέντε επταψήφια έπαθλα

Μπορεί να είναι ο πιο νέος σε ηλικία σε αυτήν την λίστα ωστόσο ο Sam Trickett έχει καταφέρει να κυριαρχήσει στα τραπέζια του πόκερ τα τελευταία 5 χρόνια κερδίζοντας τεράστια έπαθλα.

Ο Trickett έχει αφήσει το σημάδι του στα πιο ακριβά τουρνουά του Aussie Millions μιας και κέρδισε το $250,000 Challenge του 2013 για $2.111.397, το 2011 είχε τερματίσει δεύτερος στο ίδιο event για $1,384,631 ενώ εκείνη την χρονιά είχε κερδίσει και στο event των $100.000 και είχε λάβει ακόμη $1,508,258.

Το 2011 ο Trickett διέπρεψε και στο Partouche Poker Tour Main Event κερδίζοντας $1.364.666 ενώ η πιο μεγάλη νίκη του εισπρακτική επιτυχία δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι άλλη από την 2η θέση του στο τουρνουά του $1.000.000 που του απέφερε ακόμη $10,112,001.

Η λίστα με τα επταψήφια cashes του Trixkett θα ήταν πιο μεγάλη αν στο Super High Roller του Macau κέρδιζε αντί για $999.184, μόλις $816 παραπάνω.

Daniel Negreanu: Έξι επταψήφια έπαθλα

Ο Daniel Negreanu φέτος κατέκτησε την δεύτερη θέση στο Big One for One Drop και αυτόματα έγινε ο πιο κερδισμένος παίκτης όλων των εποχών και ο παίκτης με τα περισσότερα επταψήφια cashes.

Από το φετινό τουρνουά του $1.000.000 κέρδισε $8,288,001 ενώ νωρίτερα κέρδισε ακόμη $1,119,610 στο $250,000 Challenge του Aussie Millions.

Η περσινή χρονιά ήταν επίσης πολύ καλή για τον Negreanu που κέρδισε το bracelet του WSOP APAC και $1,087,160.

Το 2011 ο Νegreanu πρόσθεσε ακόμη $1,000,000 στα cashes του τερματίζοντας δεύτερος στο PCA Super High Roller.

Επιπλέον το 2004 ο Negreanu είχε σημειώσει ακόμη δύο επταψήφια cashes, τα οποία ήταν και τα πρώτα του. Οι επιτυχίες του ήρθαν μετά από 2 νίκες του σε events του WPT που του απέφεραν από $1,770,218 και $1,117,400 αντίστοιχα.

πηγή  :  www.pokerlobbygr.com

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Τρίτη 29 Ιουλίου 2014

Πόσα παίζουν οι Έλληνες σε νόμιμα και παράνομα παιχνίδια

Posted by Betman on 22:00

Μπορεί η Ελλάδα να διανύει τα τελευταία χρόνια την χειρότερη ίσως οικονομική κρίση της ιστορίας της σε περίοδο ειρήνης ωστόσο οι Έλληνες εξακολουθούν να ποντάρουν τεράστια ποσά σε τυχερά παιχνίδια.

Σύμφωνα με όσα αποκάλυψε ο επικεφαλής της Επιτροπής Εποπτείας και Ελέγχου Παιγνίων (Ε.Ε.Ε.Π.) Ευγένιος Γιαννακόπουλος στην Επιτροπή Θεσμών και Διαφάνειας της Βουλής οι Έλληνες τζογάρουν  περίπου 12 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ το χρόνο.

Τα νούμερα δείχνουν πως οι Έλληνες παίκτες ποντάρουν τα ίδια ποσά στα νόμιμα αλλά και στα παράνομα τυχερά παιχνίδια.

Με βάση τα όσα δημοσιεύτηκαν τις μεγαλύτερες απώλειες στα έσοδά τους παρατηρούν τα επίγεια ελληνικά καζίνο τα οποία είδαν τα κέρδη τους να μειώνονται κατά 50% το 2013 σε σχέση με το 2009 και από 2.83 δισεκατομμύρια να πέφτουν στα 1.68.

πηγή  :  www.pokerlobbygr.com

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Marc Pedersen – iGaming Super Show – New faces, but not many new ideas!

Posted by Betman on 17:30

Marc Pedersen – bettingexpert.com
With the iGaming Super Show revealing today that it has grown the B2B side of the event, SBC’s affiliate correspondent Marc Pedersen recounts his experience from an affiliate and media partner perspective.

One of the interesting developments from the Igaming Super Show in Amsterdam last month was the emergence of lots of new brands showing off their services at the RAI, far more than usual in fact. It was good to see new blood being represented at the show, although it was noticeable that the stalwarts, the firms who would normally have a booth at this event, were no longer featured on the floorplan.

What was also noticeable was the drop in visibility of binary options brands as well. Has the product already fallen out of favour with the market? Maybe it just caters for a radically different demographic than those that enjoy sports betting.

Still it did open the floor for some exciting new bookmakers, noticeably 666Bet who even brought brand ambassador and QPR manager Harry Redknapp over to meet delegates and use his effusive charm on them. It was certainly a way of making a statement by the new betting brand. Job done, I would think.

One exhibitor that I did feel sorry for was ISIS Friends, who had a very large booth at the show. Sometime real world events can really put a spanner in marketing plans and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. So the emergence in Iraq of the terrorist organization ISIS, along with the blanket media coverage that came with it, was utter bad luck as far as the company is concerned.

The challenge this proposes to any marketer is whether to stick their current brand and hope that the terrorist group disappears from view, stick with the current brand in the view that it will receive no negative connotations in the igaming world, or change the brand that they have spent time building up. It’s a tough call to make. Fortunately with ISIS already trying to rebrand to just IS, it could be possible to ride this one out.

As was, no doubt, holding the event during the World Cup. It seemed a strange strategy given that many of the affiliates would have had to miss out on attending this year in order to concentrate on the world’s biggest football tournament.

But the biggest problem was that there was still a lack of creativity on the stands, which is the same problem that beset the London Affiliate Conference as well. While William Hill tried something a little out of the ordinary, with a samba band on the stand invoking the World Cup, it wasn’t particularly successful. Thank heavens that the industry is not as staid as some of the current marketing techniques on show.
Marc Pedersen – Head of Sales Better Collective & bettingexpert.com

read more  :  www.sbcnews.co.uk

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Australian Wagering Council hits out at Racing NSW over minimum bet rules

Posted by Betman on 13:30

The Australian Wagering Council has hit out at Racing NSW for implementing new minimum bet rules on wagering service operators.

The group, which called for a freeze on the proposal last month, said the condition means online bookmakers will stand to lose a minimum amount on any single fixed odds wager on NSW Thoroughbred races, and criticised the policy as being “delivered via press release”.

Chief Executive Chris Downy said his members only learned of the proposed changes when they read about it in a press release six weeks ago. “The AWC is disappointed that many of the concerns raised during the consultation process have not been addressed adequately in the formulation of the new policy,” he added.

From 1 September, the clause means online bookmakers with a turnover of more than $5M (£2.8m) a year will be required to stand to lose a minimum amount of $2,000 (£1106) (Metropolitan) and $1,000 (£553) (Non-Metropolitan) on any single fixed odds wager on NSW Thoroughbred races.

Approval holders have also lost their right to turn down a fixed odds bet, although there are strict conditions where refusal is permitted.

read more  :  www.sbcnews.co.uk

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Philippines Discuss Internet Gambling Regulation

Posted by Betman on 06:41

Philippines' Anti Crime and Terrorism Community Involvement and Support (ACT-CIS) party member Samuel D. Pagdilao has presented a bill to regulate online gambling activities in the Philippines.

"People are no longer bound to physical locations and are able to face their bets from within their own homes," Pagdilao explained while presenting a bill in which approval would lead to the creation of a regulated market that would include the application of severe fines for those operating outside of its legislative framework.

Explaining how the lack of precise legislative measures on online gambling has led to an increase in the number of minors involved in online gambling activities, Pagdilao decided to propose the institution of a State-controlled system that would allow to keep gambling in the Philippines under a better control.

According to the bill, the proposed system would ask operators interested to operate within the Philippines and offer Internet gaming to Filipino citizens to obtain a specific Internet Gaming Certificate from the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR), the authority that would then become fully responsible of the regulated online market.

Operators found guilty of allowing minors on their platforms would then risk to be sanctioned with imprisonment form five to 10 years and receive financial fines up to PHP 10 million (approximately $230,000) to be imposed "upon any licensee or employee of a licensee who knowingly allows a person under 18 years of age to open, maintain, or use an Internet gaming account."

Sanctions would also apply to those found responsible of inducing minors to gamble, as the text states, "the penalty of imprisonment from five years to 10 years or a fine of PHP 100,000 (approximately $23,000) or both shall be imposed upon any parent, guardian, or person exercising moral authority or ascendancy over a minor, ward, or incapacitated person, who induces or causes them to commit any of the offenses punishable under the proposed law."

read more  :  www.pokernews.com

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Δευτέρα 28 Ιουλίου 2014

UK Gambling Commission reports growing concern over problem gambling affecting 18-24 age group.

Posted by Betman on 17:00

Heather Wardle, Director of NatCen Social Research
Research published by the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC), has found a growing risk of problem gambling amongst young British males aged 16-24. The UKGC research reports that men aged 16-24 are twice as likely to be “in the at risk category of problem gambling”.

The report title Further analysis of the Health Survey for England 2012 and Scottish Health Survey 2012 (April 2014)”, aims to give more insight into problem gambling in the UK, breaking down gambling behaviour by UK population segments.

The report was commissioned in conjunction with the National Health Service and the Social Care Information Centre.

The UKGC reports that while 7 per cent of males across the whole adult population are estimated to be “at risk”, that proportion more than doubles to 16 per cent among men aged 16 to 24. Similarly, while 2 per cent of females are at risk, that number more than doubles too in the 16-24 age bracket.

Lead Author of the report, Heather Wardle, Director of NatCen Social Research, urges the UK government for greater focus on the age group with regards to problem gambling. She points to significant sports betting advertising which is visible during sports broadcasts on UK television.

“You can see how the environment in which people are growing up is changing. The situation is crying out for more education.While alcohol, smoking and drugs are covered in the PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum in schools, gambling is not”

read more  :  www.sbcnews.co.uk

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Ο ΟΠΑΠ «στέλνει» τις ελληνικές ομάδες στις ξένες στοιχηματικές εταιρίες...

Posted by Betman on 13:13

Βάζουν... μαχαίρι στις χορηγίες σε ποδόσφαιρο και μπάσκετ, μη αναγνωρίζοντας ότι οι ελληνικές ομάδες οδήγησαν την εταιρία στην απόλυτη κερδοφορία μέσα από τη συμμετοχή τους, δίχως ποσοστό, στο «Πάμε Στοίχημα»

Εντονότατος είναι ο προβληματισμός στο χώρο του ελληνικού αθλητισμού για τη μέχρι τώρα πολιτική που ασκεί η νέα διοίκηση της ΟΠΑΠ Α.Ε. έναντι αρχών διοργάνωσης πρωταθλημάτων, αλλά και ομάδων και συλλόγων, στον τομέα των χορηγιών για τη νέα αγωνιστική περίοδο.

Και ενώ θα ανέμενε κανείς η νέα τάξη πραγμάτων και η απεμπλοκή του κράτους από όλη τη διαδικασία να αλλάξει δραστικά το τοπίο στο κομμάτι της απόδοσης ποσοστού προς τις ομάδες ποδοσφαίρου και μπάσκετ για τη συμμετοχή τους στα κουπόνια του «Πάμε Στοίχημα», κάτι που αποτελεί πάγιο και διαχρονικό αίτημά τους, οι Τσέχοι φέρονται να αποφεύγουν κάθε άνοιγμα σχετικής συζήτησης.

Και σαν να μην φτάνει αυτό, επιχειρούν -σύμφωνα με απόλυτα έγκυρες πηγές- να περικόψουν σε ποσοστό που κατά περίπτωση μπορεί και να ξεπερνά το 50%, συμβάσεις χορηγιών που προϋπήρχαν και παραμένουν σε ισχύ, στο πλαίσιο της επαναδιαπραγμάτευσης που έχουν επικαλεστεί ότι θα δρομολογήσουν σε όλους τους τομείς, αναδιαρθρώνοντας την ΟΠΑΠ Α.Ε. και «σβήνοντας» το μέχρι πρότινος προφίλ που είχε η εταιρία και τις σχέσεις της με τη στήριξη του ελληνικού αθλητισμού, ως μοναδικού πραγματικού «αιμοδότη» της.

Πολλές αντιδράσεις

Ήδη, οι πρώτες αντιδράσεις για τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οι Τσέχοι θέλουν να «παίξουν μπάλα» στην Ελλάδα είναι εντονότατες και στο ποδόσφαιρο και στο μπάσκετ. Και πλέον, με την δυναμική είσοδο στην αγορά των 24 ξένων στοιχηματικών εταιριών που έχουν προσαρμοστεί στο πλαίσιο της ελληνικής νομοθεσίας, έχει ανοίξει ένα «μέτωπο» τέτοιο για τον ΟΠΑΠ, που δεν αποκλείεται καθόλου να τον οδηγήσει σε εκπλήξεις δυσάρεστες στο αμέσως προσεχές διάστημα. Και τούτο, διότι, ομάδες της Super League, έχουν ήδη εκφράσει την πρόθεσή τους να εξετάσουν τις εκτός ΟΠΑΠ προτάσεις χορηγιών που έχουν δεχτεί για διαφήμιση στοιχηματικών εταιριών, ενώ κάτι αντίστοιχο συμβαίνει και στο χώρο του μπάσκετ.

Ιδιαίτερα, δε, για το μπάσκετ θα πρέπει να τονιστεί ότι διαχρονικά η αποτίμηση που είχε στις συμφωνίες με την ΟΠΑΠ Α.Ε. κατά το παρελθόν, η «μετοχή» των ελληνικών ομάδων, ήταν ιδιαιτέρως χαμηλή και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν ανταποκρινόταν -έτσι και αλλιώς- στην υπεραξία που προσέφερε η συμμετοχή τους στα κουπόνια του «Πάμε Στοίχημα».

Το μπάσκετ αποτελούσε και εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί το... αποπαίδι του συστήματος, αν και θα έπρεπε να συμβαίνει το ακριβώς αντίθετο, αφού ως άθλημα είναι αυτό που έχει προσφέρει τις περισσότερες επιτυχίες και μέχρι σήμερα δεν έχει θέσει σε κανένα απολύτως κίνδυνο τον ΟΠΑΠ. Και αυτό γιατί ουδέποτε υπήρξε κατά το παρελθόν οποιαδήποτε αναφορά εμπλοκής ομάδων μπάσκετ σε φαινόμενα στησίματος αγώνων, δικαστικών ερευνών και γενικότερα δυσφήμισης του «προϊόντος», κάτι που συμβαίνει συστηματικά τα τελευταία χρόνια με το ποδόσφαιρο.

Είναι απολύτως βέβαιο ότι οι Τσέχοι επιχειρούν να βάλουν «μαχαίρι» και να το βάλουν πολύ βαθιά, αφήνοντας εκτός χρηματοδότησης μέσω της ΟΠΑΠ Α.Ε. μια σειρά από φορείς και όχι μόνο που καμία απολύτως σχέση δεν είχαν ποτέ με τον ελληνικό αθλητισμό.

Σε αυτό ουδείς μπορεί να τους κατηγορήσει, διότι η... ιστορία έχει αποδείξει ότι το πάρτι που είχε στηθεί με τις ευλογίες του κράτους, τα προηγούμενα χρόνια ήταν δίχως τέλος. Και, ναι, έπρεπε να μπει ένα τέλος...

Όμως, η επιχειρούμενη -σε βαθμό που να κινδυνεύει να χαρακτηριστεί σκόπιμη- υποτίμηση της μέχρι τώρα προσφοράς και κυρίως συνεισφοράς των ελληνικών ομάδων και ιδιαιτέρως των ισχυρών σε ποδόσφαιρο και μπάσκετ, στη γιγάντωση των κερδών της ΟΠΑΠ Α.Ε., μόνο προβλήματα μπορεί να δημιουργήσει στην εταιρία.

Είναι εξαιρετικά πρόσφατη η ολομέτωπη σύγκρουση της ΠΑΕ Ολυμπιακός με τη νέα διοίκηση της ΟΠΑΠ Α.Ε. που οδήγησε και στη διακοπή της χορηγικής συνεργασίας των δύο πλευρών.

Είναι εξίσου πρόσφατα και τα δημοσιεύματα που ήθελαν την ΠΑΕ Παναθηναϊκός να βρίσκεται σε συζητήσεις με ξένη στοιχηματική εταιρία, για προβολή της στη φανέλα και όχι μόνο.

Και αν στην περίπτωση του ποδοσφαίρου ο ΟΠΑΠ έχει «δέσει» κατά κάποιο τρόπο τα δικαιώματά του, μέσω της κεντρικής χορηγίας με τη Super League, ανταποδίδοντας με μεγάλα ποσά τη μη απόδοση ποσοστού από τα κέρδη του «Πάμε Στοίχημα», δεν μπορεί να ισχυριστεί κανείς ότι θα πρέπει να αισθάνεται το ίδιο ασφαλής και στο χώρο του μπάσκετ.

Εκεί, Παναθηναϊκός και Ολυμπιακός απέχουν έτη... φωτός από τις υπόλοιπες ομάδες της Basket League ΟΠΑΠ και εύκολα αντιλαμβάνεται και ο πλέον αδαής ότι χωρίς τους «αιώνιους» δεν υπάρχει προϊόν προς διάθεση για το «Πάμε Στοίχημα».

Από τη στιγμή, μάλιστα, που κάθε χρόνο οι δύο ελληνικές ομάδες πρωταγωνιστούν στην Ευρωλίγκα και προσφέρουν σημαντικότατα κέρδη στον ΟΠΑΠ, είναι σαφές ότι θα πρέπει αυτά να συμπεριληφθούν σε ένα πλαίσιο ανταποδοτικής διαφήμισης, αλλά με πλήρη επίγνωση της αξίας και προσφοράς τους στο ελληνικό και ευρωπαϊκό μπάσκετ.

Για την ιστορία και μόνο και για να αντιληφθεί κανείς τα μεγέθη που «παίζονται» στον αθλητικό στοιχηματισμό μέσω ΟΠΑΠ, το πρώτο τρίμηνο του 2014 οι πωλήσεις του Πάμε Στοίχημα παρουσίασαν αύξηση 30,1% φτάνοντας στα 395,5 εκ. ευρώ έναντι 309,5 εκ. ευρώ στην αντίστοιχη περίοδο 2013.

Και μπορεί στην πανηγυρική του δήλωση για τα αποτελέσματα κερδοφορίας της ΟΠΑΠ, ο νέος πρόεδρός της, Καμίλ Ζίγκλερ να μην έκανε καμία αναφορά στη συνεισφορά των ελληνικών ομάδων, είναι βέβαιο όμως, ότι μπορεί να αντιληφθεί το μέγεθος της ζημιάς που... έρχεται, σε μια γενικευμένη «στροφή» των ελληνικών συλλόγων προς τις ξένες εταιρίες στοιχηματισμού που δραστηριοποιούνται μόνιμα στην Ελλάδα και ήδη έχουν κερδίσει σημαντικότατο μερίδιο της αγοράς μέσω του online betting.

Γι' αυτό και κύκλοι της αγοράς που γνωρίζουν πρόσωπα και καταστάσεις, κάνουν λόγο για ένα απίστευτο αυτογκόλ που ετοιμάζονται να βάλουν οι Τσέχοι στα... δίχτυα του ΟΠΑΠ!

πηγή  :  www.newsbomb.gr

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Παρασκευή 25 Ιουλίου 2014

Turkey & Hungary ban multiple igaming operators

Posted by Betman on 22:30

Turkish and Hungarian gambling regulatory bodies have served multiple igaming operators with regional banning orders, which will see operator websites restricted in access by regional IP’s.

High profile operators such as bwin.party, bet365 and Ladbrokes, were served restrictions orders by Hungary’s Gambling Supervision Department. The operators have been added to Hungary’s igaming blacklist.

In Turkey, a joint campaign by the Turkish National Lottery Association and telecoms provider TIB against unlicensed betting and gaming operators has seen a block of access of more than 110 online gambling websites.

The Turkish National Lottery Association stated that it was looking to demand action against more than 440 igaming operators, who it believes have breached regional igaming regulations.
According to the Worldbulletin.net website, the two bodies have been working together to combat online betting and gambling over a number of years.

A report released by TIB on Monday stated that the telecommunications authority blocked access to the websites on the grounds that they were providing online gambling services.

read more  :  www.sbcnews.co.uk

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Betfair partners with Jumio to speed up the customer verification process

Posted by Betman on 19:00

Jumio digital credentials management company, today announced that Betfair, a leading global online gambling company, has adopted Jumio’s Netverify® customer verification and on-boarding solution.
Jumio’s Netverify® solution turns customers’ mobile device cameras or webcams into an ID scanning terminal that makes it fast and easy to capture and verify their ID and other credentials to meet Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements and reduce fraud.

Netverify® is now integrated into the Betfair site so that Betfair’s customers can easily and quickly pass KYC checks.  As a result, customers can enjoy a quicker customer experience with Betfair instead of having to take a picture of their ID document and then fax or email it to the Betfair verifications team.

By adding Jumio’s Netverify® into the customer verification process, we are making life quicker and easier for our customers, minimising fall-out from lengthy verification processes and removing costly man hours where we have to receive and review documents manually”, said Phillip Rivers, Head of Registrations, Payments and Fraud at Betfair.

“More and more of the top operators are integrating Jumio into their customer verification processes.  Betfair is the latest operator to use Jumio not just to meet Know Your Customer requirements but also to deliver a quicker and slicker customer experience”, said Catherine Hickey, EMEA Sales Director at Jumio.

“We’re seeing more and more gaming operators across Europe use customer verification tools like Jumio, not just to tick regulatory boxes but also to improve the customer experience, ” said Clive Hawkswood, CEO at the Remote Gaming Association.

read more  :  www.sbcnews.co.uk

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Ανακαλύφθηκε αρχαία μάρκα πόκερ (pics)

Posted by Betman on 17:00

Πρόσφατες ανασκαφές που έγιναν στο Leiston Abbey του Suffolk αποδεικνύουν πως οι ρίζες του πόκερ είναι πολύ πιο βαθιές από ό,τι φανταζόμασταν μιας και ανάμεσα στα αντικείμενα που ανακαλύφθηκαν ήταν και μία αρχαία μάρκα πόκερ!

Η υπεύθυνη της κοινότητας και ο υπεύθυνος των ανασκαφών μιλώντας στο BBC αποκάλυψαν πως το συγκεκριμένο εύρημα, που μοιάζει με μάρκα πόκερ, το χρησιμοποιούσαν ως ένα άτυπο νόμισμα. Αυτό το γεγονός, σύμφωνα με τα λεγόμενά τους, αποδεικνύει πως οι άνθρωποι έπαιζαν και τότε τυχερά παιχνίδια.

Οι  ερευνητές ανακάλυψαν πολύ κοντά στην μάρκα και κάτι ακόμη που συνδέεται με την θεά τύχη.

Όπως θα δείτε και στις φωτογραφίες το αντικείμενο που ανακαλύφθηκε μοιάζει με μεταλλικό πάπυρο. Είναι φτιαγμένο από μόλυβδο ή κασσίτερο και περιλαμβάνει ένα μήνυμα που πιστεύεται πως είναι είτε ξόρκι, σαν αυτά που χρησιμοποιούσαν παλιά για να προστατευτούν από την κακή τύχη, είτε κάποια κατάρα.

Αναμένεται να το ξετυλίξουν για να μάθουν τι γράφει και να πέσει περισσότερο φως στην υπόθεση.

Οι έρευνες θα συνεχιστούν μέχρι και το Σάββατο και τα ευρήματα κάνουν τους υπεύθυνους των ανασκαφών να ελπίζουν πως βρίσκονται μπροστά σε μια νέα τεράστια ανακάλυψη.

πηγή  :  www.pokerlobbygr.com

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Bitstars.net launches bitcoin Live Casino from game supplier Ezugi

Posted by Betman on 09:30

Bitstars.net announced today that they have signed a deal with Ezugi for the supply of a full suite of live table games ranging from Live Roulette to Blackjack, Baccarat and even Lottery. Last month Bitstars announced that they were set to drive the adoption of Bitcoins to offer a fantastic user experience where players can get hold of Bitcoins or withdraw them instantly.

Today’s deal continues to show the significant growth Bitstars are aiming for as they are once again back with the addition of more fun and entertainment for their players. The live Casino games will be streamed from Costa Rica by beautiful female dealers who will be ready to offer players a red carpet treatment.

Commenting on the partnership, Nikolica Vadaski, head of Bitstars Casino said: “This is an excellent opportunity for us as we continue to build our brand and expand our offering. We believe that Bitstars’ live casino concept will prove extremely successful in the bitcoin world, particularly in our current English speaking markets”.

He added “In just a few years the bitcoin gambling space has developed rapidly and the competition out there will continues to get more competitive and crowded. However in saying this, our players have learnt that they can count on us to be the first in the industry with any break trough’s and just like today’s deal, we will continue to add much more original products in the future to really provide the best selection of casino games to our players and provide them with the best bitcoin casino experience around“.

read more  :  www.sbcnews.co.uk

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Sky Sports signs up for racing data

Posted by Betman on 04:30

Sky Sports Digital Media (SSDM) is now a distributor of official British horseracing Pre-Race Data (PRD), joining Press Association, SIS and Timeform as partners with the Racecourse Data Company (RDC).

RDC – a joint venture with 57 racecourses set up to licence and control PRD – has licensed SSDM to use the data, which is generated by Weatherbys and is the key component of information required to take a bet. It includes information on a racecard, such as final fields, owners, trainers, jockeys, weights, colours, draw and ratings.

The contract allows Sky Sports to distribute official racing data to its customers. These include bookmaker sports books, TV, newspapers and mobile networks.

SSDM is the fourth data provider to sign up with RDC in the last two months and ensures that nearly  all those customers who received official and reliable PRD via the previous licensor, Racing 
Enterprises Limited (REL), will continue to do so under RDC’s licensing.

Richard FitzGerald, Chief Executive of Racecourse Media Group and Tony Kelly, Managing Director of Arena Racing Company, who are both RDC Directors, said:  “It is essential for the sport that racecards are distributed from a licensed source, such as Sky Sports Digital Media, and we are delighted to be working with them.

“These contracts provide customers with the peace of mind and assurance that the most crucial element of data that facilitates the placing of a bet is official, reliable and accurate.”
David Gibbs, Director, Sky Sports Digital Media, said: “Working with RDC will ensure that Sky Sports can continue to develop and deliver a superb portfolio of horse racing products to our own network and commercial partners.”

RDC was assigned the PRD licence from Racing Enterprises Limited (REL), with effect from January 1, 2014 to 31 December 2018. The switch has not been without controversy. At the moment the daily racing newspaper Racing Post does not have official racing data via RDC because it has balked at paying an additional £500,000 fee on top of its previous £150,000 deal.

However the RDC is adamant that the paper has been paying below the odds, claiming that licensing is applied via a transparent rate-card, which has industry backing and is utilised across all customers. RDC says it has aligned its licensing principles with FRAND (Fair, Reasonable and non-discriminatory), which is widely used by standards-setting organisations and in licensing.

read more  :  www.sbcnews.co.uk

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Πέμπτη 24 Ιουλίου 2014

Labour’s betting levy to be used for grassroots and problem gambling

Posted by Betman on 23:00

Racing is currently the only sport in the UK where there is a betting levy. Photograph: Julian Herbert/Action Images

A multimillion-pound levy on all sports betting is being considered by Labour with the revenue ploughed back into grassroots sports. Some of the funds would also be used to tackle problem gambling.

The proposal is set out in a new “sport for all” document issued by Harriet Harman, the shadow culture secretary, and Clive Efford, the shadow sports minister.

At present only gambling on horseracing is subject to a levy with the money, some £82m in 2014, returned to the racing industry.

Efford said: “We believe it is right that businesses that make money from sport should contribute to sport. We are consulting on whether we should introduce a levy on betting, including online betting, to fund gambling awareness and support for problem gambling but also to improve community sports facilities and clubs.

“It’s my preference that the income from the levy went into a general pool to help grassroots sport and from which the respective sports would draw their future elite sportsmen and women. Football gambling online and in betting shops is now far larger than horseracing gambling and yet it does nothing to help the sport itself. I think they have a moral obligation to help the industry from which they make billions, and the results could be dramatic.”

The betting industry says it already pays tax on its profits and there is no need to pay any more to the public purse. Sport governing bodies argue that their tournaments are intellectual properties and that bookmakers should pay for the right to take bets on such events.

The overall UK gambling industry had revenues of more than £6bn after winnings were paid in 2012-13, according to the Gambling Commission. But the tax take is complicated by so much of the industry operating offshore. Efford argued it would be able to levy football betting conducted overseas since a 15% levy on horseracing bets has recently been extended to operations not based in Britain.

Efford added: “The Premier League also needs to be forced to return to its previous obligation to ensure that a 5% voluntary levy of its income from domestic TV rights are ploughed back into grassroots sport.”

The pledge was made after the report by the 1999 Football Task Force. Efford said income from domestic football rights had risen by 75% in recent years, but instead of the Premier League helping the development of grassroots football, much of the money was going in parachute payments to relegated clubs or in straight donations to Football League clubs.

Domestic broadcast deals will generate about £3.4bn over the three seasons from 2013-14 for Premiership clubs. Overseas broadcasting rights covering more than 200 territories will generate a further £2.2bn.

The Premier League and FA Facilities Fund, managed by the Football Foundation, commits £34m per year to improving the nation’s grassroots football facilities. This includes £12m a year each from the FA and Premier League, and £10m from the government.

Commenting on the Labour proposals, a Conservative spokesman said: “This is yet another short-term gimmick from Labour. It is a tax on football fans which will mean higher ticket prices for ordinary people wanting to watch our national sport.”

The Labour document, due to be unveiled in a speech by Harman on Thursday, also makes a series of familiar calls for more to be done to increase participation in sport, especially in schools. It points out “rising costs of obesity, diabetes and other Body Mass Index (BMI) related illnesses mean it is essential that we fulfil the ambitions of the sporting legacy. The estimated total cost of the Olympics was £9.3bn. By 2050 the annual wider costs to the economy of elevated BMI is expected to reach £49.9bn. The projected health costs alone show that if we get the legacy right, the legacy of the Games will prove to be good value for money”.

Labour claims there are 110 fewer School Sports Partnerships now than there were in 2010, a decline of 37 per cent, and that 60% less time is being spent organising sport by PE teachers on release than was spent by School Sports Coordinators in 2009-10.

It says this loss of interest in sport is particularly acute for young girls, whose participation drops off rapidly through secondary school. While participation levels are lower for girls throughout primary school, the difference is between 3 and 5 percentage points. By Year 11 the percentage point difference between boys and girls has increased to 13%.

read more  :  www.theguardian.com

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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French Online Poker Continues Steady Decline

Posted by Betman on 19:14

Regulated online poker in France continues to decline, according to a recently report released by the France’s online gaming regulator ARJEL.

ARJEL just announced its results from the second quarter and half year, and it isn't pretty. Quarterly cash-game bets are down 17 percent when compared to one year prior, with the half-year figures declining 18 percent.

Cash games on French regulated sites are at an all-year low with no end in site. Cash-game bets totaled €1.048 million for the quarter, down from €1.266 million last year. To make matters worse, the last week in June represented the all-time low for cash-game traffic since the French regulation was introduced in 2010.

Not surprisingly, the number of regular cash-game players has also declined, but what comes as the biggest surprise is the amount of the decline. There was a huge 21 percent decline in the amount of regular cash-game players when compared to a similar period last year, which could be more worrying to French-based sites than the 17 percent decline in total cash-game bets in Euros.

Operator Reaction?

While there hasn't been any operator reaction to the decline in French cash-game action, there has been a reaction by iPoker in Italy, another segregated market which hasn't performed too well as of late.

The iPoker.it network has, for many years, had some skins operating with special cash-game tables that were hidden from many of the iPoker.it network skins. When times are good, this may not be a problem as it helps the individual skins give their players something special that other skins do not have. However, since regulated poker has also been declining in the Italian marketplace, iPoker.it decided to end this practice in order to combine its liquditity throughout its network.
Whether or not any changes or reactions from French poker operators is seen is still unknown, but it would not be surprising considering the recent changes being made in the regulated Italian poker market.

A big problem in France is the amount of gray-market play, or play on unregulated sites. If there is a bigger crackdown on these sites, this could help offset the decline on regulated markets since players on these sites would have little alternative than playing on sites regulated by ARJEL.

Not All Doom and Gloom

It might not all be doom and gloom, however. Some industry insiders believe part of this decline is due to lottery sit-n-gos, such as "Espresso" on Winamax. These quick games with a chance to hit big quickly have potentially drawn some of the cash-game players away.

French regulated sites have also seen more players move from playing cash games to playing tournaments. There has been a six percent increase in the number of tournament entries. While this increase does not fully offset the big decline in cash-game play, it does represent that French players are interested in poker outside of cash games in growing numbers.

read more  :  www.pokernews.com

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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EU gets the urge to go to the bookies

Posted by Betman on 13:30

It is easy to dismiss this as a pious and a conservative document which will achieve nothing of any value. Which shouldn't stop us dismissing it, as we are about to do in a moment. 
But we should still acknowledge that the fine minds of the European Commission, God love them, have at last noticed that something very strange and very troubling is going on here, which has moved them to make some sort of a statement, to conceive the vague outline of a plan. 
The leaders of our political parties have a plan too, which largely involves kicking off the next election campaign by having their pictures taken laughing their heads off in betting offices, backing themselves to win 70 seats, to show the voters what great crack they are.

For the few of us still keeping vigil on this phenomenon, there will be darker visions of bankruptcies and divorces and suicides, but sure, it's a free country.

And so we observe the EU in its apparent innocence approaching this matter with great delicacy, each suggestion looking like it could have been designed by the betting corporations themselves, who are of course "stakeholders" in all this in the most literal sense.
The commission is doing a lot of "urging", which is not quite the same as actually doing anything, but which makes them feel good about themselves, and to them that is no small thing.

So it urges a process whereby players are given the chance to set spending limits, or to sign up for alerts about their winnings or losses as they bet online.
That won't work.

There are similar systems already in place, and they don't work, nor in truth are they intended to work on any level other than to provide the material for a great heap of PR bullshit.

To put it simply, if you reach your limits with one betting corporation, you just sign up with another one. At a more nuanced level, it entirely misses the point that people who feel that they need to impose these fearful "limits" on themselves in the first place clearly have a problem, one that might well be called an "addiction". And as we know, it is not beyond the ingenuity of those in addiction to get around the various strictures they might impose upon themselves in a misguided moment of righteousness.

We all understand that the man who swears to himself that he will drink only two pints and then go home, may somehow find a way to drink 17 pints, and to take it from there. Yet the EU Commission seems to think that it can "urge" betting corporations and addicted gamblers, acting in concert, to carry on their business like it was a Whist Drive on a Wednesday evening in the Temperance Hall. It is also "urging" member states to take measures which prevent minors from gambling online, and to ensure that their contact with gambling, through advertising, for example, is kept to a minimum.

That won't work. And of the myriad ways in which its unworkability can be shown, perhaps the most obvious is to look at the many football clubs which are now sponsored by betting corporations. Indeed the most glamorous club in the world, Real Madrid, had the name of an online betting firm plastered across its shirts.

What would you do to prevent minors from being exposed to that, I wonder? Well, one thing you could do, is to "urge" an end to the advertising of gambling altogether.

That would work, as would a massive levy on the betting corporations to fund the treatment of the many addicts that they have cultivated and indeed helped to create. And a 20pc tax on every online bet would work, just to strike some note of discouragement, to make online gambling just a little bit harder than it is - but no harder than betting used to be in Ireland in that strange time before Charlie McCreevy, when for every pound you staked in an SP office, you had to hand £1.20 over the counter in actual money.

Yes, all that would work, but none of it is going to happen, because as with other areas of the financial services sector, it would smack of over-regulation and the worst excesses of the nanny state and anyway, it's all going so well, right?

So instead there are more urgings to have the equivalent of "health warnings" on gambling adverts - which won't work, because part of the subtle essence of gambling is that, unlike smoking or drinking, you can't warn against it with startling images of physical decay.

That's another design flaw in the EU's fine
scheme. The issue of money-laundering on a gargantuan scale is also overlooked.

But perhaps the most poignant weakness is this presumption of goodwill on the part of the betting corporations, the notion that they might sincerely want to discourage addiction among their clientele.

Everything that we have learned on this matter in recent years suggests that the opposite is true, that they have devised all sorts of brilliant methods, not to fight addiction but to encourage it wherever they find it. And they are finding a lot of it.

Sunday Independent

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Daniel Schwartzkopff – BetVIP.com – The Bitcoin Game

Posted by Betman on 09:36

Daniel Schwartzkopff 
founder of BetVIP.com
Exploring new products and business innovation within the sports betting industry, SBC interviews Daniel Schwartzkopff -  founder of BetVIP.com, which claims to be the sector’s first licensed Bitcoin-only sportsbook.

The digital currency operator takes wagers and pays out winnings exclusively in Bitcoin, offering odds on thousands of pre-match and in-play markets. It holds a gaming license in Curacao and only accepts bets in regulated markets
Schwartzkopff discusses the operating intricacies of running a bitcoin focused sportsbook and his companys future ambitions.

SBC:Hi Daniel, great to meet you. Can you provide our readers with some insight regarding the BetVIP Bitcoin sportsbook and what it offers?

Daniel: BetVIP is the world’s first licensed Bitcoin sportsbook. As such, it offers the wide array of sports and live in-play betting that you would expect from a top fiat sportsbook – but we take bets and pay out exclusively in bitcoin.

SBC: How does a Bitcoin sportsbook, operate differently to a traditional sportsbook? There must be multiple factors that impact BetVIP’s business and revenue generating models?

Daniel: Operating as a Bitcoin sportsbook allows us to receive funds and credit a user’s account instantly, meaning they can get started right away. Payouts are also instant anywhere in the world without the burden of hefty currency exchange fees which saves our users money. Advertising is focused exclusively online and targeted to where the bitcoin community interacts, as opposed to more traditional above the line marketing campaigns.

SBC: When creating a BitCoin led sportsbook, what dynamics and considerations did you have to take into account in order to make your products offering appealing to potential customers?

Daniel: Our aim is to bring transparency and legitimacy to a sector which has had something of a mysterious past. Users want a safe, reliable method of sports betting with their bitcoins where they can be sure operators won’t disappear with their funds. The immediacy of bitcoin also requires us to reduce response times. As a result, deposits are instant and customer support and withdrawals are processed far quicker than fiat sportsbooks in order to be competitive.

SBC: Operating an online sportsbook with Bitcoin payment services, did you have a regulatory framework to work towards, or was this very much a blank canvas?

Daniel: It is currently not explicitly required by any authority to obtain a licence for a bitcoin business as it is not recognised as a legal currency. However, as we plan to build a business with a sustainable long-term future, we plan to stay ahead of the curve and have acquired a license in Curacao.

SBC: Do you feel that the mass media attention paid towards Bitcoin, some of which is negative, will have an adverse effect on your business? How do you combat this?

Daniel: The vast majority of users are already bitcoin holders so they are not affected by scare stories. Negativity in the mainstream media is generally reactionary and stems from a lack of understanding rather than from any legitimate concerns. We combat negativity by providing the public with factual information so that they can make an informed decision instead of forming one based on sensationalism.

SBC: Finally, you are the first sportsbook operator to offer Bitcoin-only payment services, how far do you feel is the igaming industry from offering this service throughout its value chain? Will it be a matter of months or years?

Daniel: To be honest, I think the wider industry is probably years away from offering this service throughout the value chain. A solid regulatory framework will need to be put in place in all the regulated territories before the traditional operators move to accept this new technology.

Daniel Schwartzkopff  founder of BetVIP.com

read more  :  www.sbcnews.co.uk

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Τετάρτη 23 Ιουλίου 2014

Μαθήματα Οικονομικής Ανάλυσης για την Ιδιωτικοποίηση του ΟΠΑΠ

Posted by Betman on 22:30

Με αφορμή την ιδιωτικοποίηση της Τουρκικής κρατικής λοταρίας, Το Βήμα σύγκρινε τη διαδικασία με εκείνη της ιδιωτικοποίησης του ΟΠΑΠ. Δυστυχώς όμως δεν έμεινε στα της διαδικασίας και προχώρησε σε μια ατυχή σύγκριση των οικονομικών μεγεθών των δύο εταιριών, διδάσκοντας μαθήματα οικονομικής ανάλυσης, παραφράζοντας τον τίτλο του κειμένου, «μαθήματα ιδιωτικοποιήσεων από τους Τούρκους».

Πράγματι, η διαδικασία ήταν πρωτόγνωρη στο χώρο των ιδιωτικοποιήσεων. Οι τρεις πλειοδότες ανταγωνίστηκαν ζωντανά στην Τουρκική τηλεόραση για τη μεγαλύτερη προσφορά. Όταν μάλιστα έμειναν δύο, κατατέθηκαν συνολικά 75 επιπλέον βελτιωτικές προσφορές, ανεβάζοντας το τελικό τίμημα στα 2,755 δις δολάρια από τα 1,8 που αποτέλεσε την τιμή εκκίνησης.
Όλα καλά μέχρι εδώ και όντως η διαδικασία αποτελεί παράδειγμα προς μίμηση για το λόγο που αναφέρει κι ο αρθρογράφος στο Βήμα: διαφάνεια.
Στη συνέχεια όμως αναφέρει το εξής:
«Αντιθέτως, οι Τούρκοι για μια δεκαετή άδεια παραχώρησης και όχι πώληση μετοχών, που δεν συνιστά μεταβίβαση της ιδιοκτησίας, και για μια λοταρία με ετήσιο τζίρο το 1/5 του ΟΠΑΠ κατάφεραν να προσελκύσουν 2,755 δισ. δολάρια ή 2,037 δισ. ευρώ, σύμφωνα με την τρέχουσα ισοτιμία ευρώ/δολαρίου.»
1/5 του τζίρου; Αλήθεια;
Σύμφωνα με το άρθρο που δεν έχω λόγο να αμφισβητήσω, έχουμε τα εξής στοιχεία για την Τουρκική εταιρία:
  • Ετήσια έσοδα 2013: 800 εκατ. ευρώ
  • Ετήσια κέρδη 2013: 184 εκατ. ευρώ
  • Τυχερά παιχνίδια: Λοταρίες (όχι αθλητικό στοίχημα)
Ας δούμε τα οικονομικά αποτελέσματα του ΟΠΑΠ για το ίδιο οικονομικό έτος.


3,7 δις ευρώ ο συνολικός τζίρος, στον οποίο όμως συμπεριλαμβάνονται τα αποτελέσματα του στοιχήματος. Ο τζίρος που προήλθε από τα αριθμολαχεία όμως, σύμφωνα με τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα, ανέρχεται στα 2,37 δις. Τελευταία φορά που έκανα τη διαίρεση 0,8/2,37 έβγαλα πηλίκο κοντά στο 1/3.

Προφανώς Το Βήμα έκανε τη διαίρεση του συνολικού τζίρου των δύο εταιριών για να φτάσει στο παραπάνω συμπέρασμα. Μήπως έτσι συγκρίνουμε πορτοκάλια με αγγούρια;
Ίσως για κάποιους να στέκομαι στις λεπτομέρειες, αλλά το ύφος του άρθρου είναι εκείνο που με οδήγησε σε αυτό το κείμενο.

Τονίζεται στο άρθρο λοιπόν, πώς ο ΟΠΑΠ με τζίρο 3,7 δις ευρώ πωλήθηκε έναντι 650 εκατ. ευρώ, ενώ η Τουρκική κρατική εταιρία με τζίρο 800 εκατ. ευρώ παραχωρήθηκε για 10 χρόνια έναντι 2,037 δις ευρώ (κι εσάς σας έμεινε το 2,755, ε; Μόνο που είναι δολάρια εκείνο το ποσό!). Θυμίζω όμως ότι πουλήθηκε το 33% του ΟΠΑΠ, κάτι που σημαίνει ότι το 1,23 δις του τζίρου αντιστοιχεί στην πώλησή του.

Ξαφνικά η σύγκριση με τα 800 εκατ. ευρώ της Τουρκικής εταιρίας δεν είναι τόσο εντυπωσιακή, έτσι;
Ναι, φυσικά είναι διαφορετικό να πωλείται ένα μέρος του ΟΠΑΠ και να παραχωρείται για 10 χρόνια η εκμετάλλευση του προϊόντος μιας εταιρίας. Άλλο η πώληση, άλλο το leasing. Δε συζητάω αυτό όμως εδώ. Τονίζω τη δημιουργία εντυπώσεων που προκαλεί η σύγκριση των οικονομικών μεγεθών κατά τον τρόπο που πραγματοποιεί ο αρθρογράφος.

Κλείνοντας να κάνω και εγώ με τη σειρά μου μια σύγκριση που απέφυγε να κάνει Το Βήμα.
Τα έσοδα της Τουρκικής εταιρίας ανήλθαν όπως προείπαμε στα 184 εκατ. ευρώ. Τα έσοδα από όλα τα παιχνίδια του ΟΠΑΠ το 2013 ανήλθαν στα 141 εκατ. ευρώ. 

Διαιρέστε και με το ένα τρίτο τα καθαρά αυτά έσοδα του ΟΠΑΠ (47 εκατ. ευρώ) και πιθανόν να βγει ένα συμπέρασμα αν τελικά τα 650 εκατ. ευρώ που πουλήθηκε το 33% του ΟΠΑΠ ήταν χαμηλό τίμημα μπροστά στα 2,03 δις ευρώ που δόθηκε η εκμετάλλευση για 10 χρόνια της Τουρκικής εταιρίας με κέρδη 184 εκατ. ευρώ. Και ξαναθυμίζω ότι τα παραπάνω έσοδα του ΟΠΑΠ συμπεριλαμβάνουν KAI τα έσοδα από το Πάμε Στοίχημα!

Όχι, μη βιάζεστε. Δεν υπερασπίζομαι την ιδιωτικοποίηση του ΟΠΑΠ. Κάνω μια ίσως πιο αντικειμενική παρουσίαση των οικονομικών μεγεθών των δύο εταιριών, μιας και σπανίζει η αντικειμενικότητα στα ηλεκτρονικά κι έντυπα μέσα σε αυτή τη χώρα.

πηγή  :  www.stoiximaonline.com

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Gambling Commission extends online application service

Posted by Betman on 17:30

The UK Gambling Commission has extended its online application service in order to allow operators to apply for a non-remote licence or make amendments to an existing non-remote licence via its website.

The extension comes after the regulatory body introduced the online application service for remote operators in February this year.

The Gambling Commission said that the extension would enable applicants to navigate through the application in a way that “reflects their business model and individual circumstances” by offering an option to skip questions that are not applicable to them.

The application online system also allows applicants to upload various information and supporting documents, such as certified copies of identity documents and banks statements.

The Gambling Commission said this would help to reduce the risk of delivery delays and original documents being lost in the post.

The regulatory body also confirmed that it has not withdrawn the facility for non-remote applicants to make applications using the existing manual application forms, but will do so in the future.
Dawn Best, licensing manager at the Gambling Commission, said: “This further development of online services for non-remote operators builds on the introduction of the online application service for remote operators in February.

“This is a further step along the way to providing a complete set of eServices for all applicants and licensees.”

Related article: Non-remote betting driving British gambling industry

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Ντοκιμαντέρ για τον “Kanu7” | Σε μόλις 9 μήνες έφτασε να παίζει high stakes (vid)

Posted by Betman on 08:31

Ο Alex Millar τείνει να εξελιχθεί σε έναν από τους θρύλους του online πόκερ αφού είναι από τους ελάχιστους στον κόσμο που παίζουν No Limit Hold’em σε τόσο υψηλός επίπεδο.

Η ιστορία του ξεχωρίζει γιατί ο Βρετανός κατάφερε μέσα σε 9 μόλις μήνες να ανέβει από τα small stakes στο $25/$50 ενώ σήμερα παίζει μέχρι και $200/$400. Εδώ και ένα χρόνο αποτελεί μέλος της Team PokerStars Online και χθες δημοσιεύτηκε ένα ντοκιμαντέρ, όπως ακριβώς έχουμε δει παλαιότερα και με άλλα μέλη της ομάδας των επαγγελματιών της εταιρείας. Τα συνολικά του κέρδη από τα online cash games έχουν ξεπεράσει τα $7 εκατομμύρια.

Ο “Kanu7” λατρεύει το ποδόσφαιρο και αυτός ήταν ο λόγος που διάλεξε αυτό το nickname στα τραπέζια, αφού ταιριάζει το στυλ του με τον Νιγηριανό Nwankwo Kanu, ο οποίος ήταν ένας από τους ψηλότερους ποδοσφαιριστές (1.97 μ.).

Σήμερα έχετε την ευκαιρία να απολαύσετε το ντοκιμαντέρ στο βίντεο που ακολουθεί:

πηγή  :  www.pokerlobbygr.com

Γίνε κι εσύ συνδρομητής του betman-viptips.eu για να μπορείς να λαμβάνεις κερδοφόρες προβλέψεις σε ασιατικού τύπου πονταρίσματα. Με 1000 € αρχικό κεφάλαιο αγγίξαμε τα 200.000 € σε μόλις 14 μήνες !!!

The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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Τρίτη 22 Ιουλίου 2014

iGB Diary: OPAP Odyssey continues, Game on in California?, GiGSE, UK Commission keeps schtum

Posted by Betman on 20:00

Where to in this Odyssey?
Talk about a Greek tragedy at OPAP. As the company considers placing 650 of its 900 staff on a voluntary redundancy scheme, the plan isn’t part of a thought-out restructuring project but rather a knee-jerk response to its own lack of planning and foresight. More specifically, the group and its investors didn’t seem to think the European Commission would ever oppose the Greek government awarding it an igaming monopoly to go with those it holds for VLTs and retail betting. We know the EC can be slow and half-hearted but it does get there eventually (sometimes anyway). Meanwhile, it is “the dozen or so online betting companies operating with temporary authorisations that have taken the lion's share of stakes on the World Cup, not OPAP via its new betting site” writes iGB’s Graham Wood. Cue the “genius” redundancy scheme decision from OPAP investors and senior execs. Just imagine the board meeting: “Chaps, yes we haven’t planned properly for, well, just about everything to do with our biggest market, but hey we’ve got the solution now. Let’s sack three quarters of our workforce! That’ll sort things out! Actually, why didn’t we think of it before?” As the old saying goes, it would be funny if it weren’t so serious.

GiGSE reveals intractable US market
Several contacts travelled to San Francisco to attend GiGSE, the US equivalent to EiG, this week and told us that the content and event were good but that the US market is as intractable as ever. It’s not that surprising really, what with casino magnate Sheldon Adelson throwing major spanners in the American Gaming Association’s and general igaming efforts to support regulation in the US, poor financial numbers in the three states that have backed progressive legislation and up to four land-based casinos in New Jersey possibly closing down, which would result in some 7,000 job losses. But not everything is lost, a California tribe this week launched its own poker site hoping it can get around current regulations by being based and operating on sovereign land. At the same time PokerStars is readying itself for US re-entry sometime between this autumn and early 2015. Of course we all want the US market to be a success but as in 2006 when it passed UIGEA, its political workings can be even more mind-boggling and convoluted than one could have imagined. As one US contact told us with just a hint of sarcasm: “It’s amazing the effect regulation can have on our industry.”

Game on in California?
With all (realistic) US igaming hopes resting on California, the Diary was wondering how the major Indian tribes supporting/opposing PokerStars’ regulation to operate in the 8th biggest economy in the world could ever square the circle. Stars’ new owner Amaya Gaming will want to see the poker giant in that market, but if one powerful set of tribes opposes another equally powerful one and consistently refuses to countenance such a possibility, how would the issue be resolved? One contact posited the following scenario: with the anti-Stars camp adamant that it doesn’t want the PokerStars machine and brand anywhere near the Cali poker scene, Amaya would offer to run the sites of its partner tribes and card clubs (should these be allowed) through Ongame, the network it bought from bwin party in 2012. ... and set in motion Stars’ return to the US big time... You never know, stranger things have happened.

Content-free content
Apparently the Gambling Commission has responded to the Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association’s letter saying it would challenge the Pont of Consumption Tax in the courts. Great, sounds like a good story with plenty to get stuck into. Hold on a minute, the Commission has refused to reveal the contents of the response. Oh... never mind it’s the weekend!

read more  :  www.igamingbusiness.com

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The ultimate soccer betting system !! We managed to increase our initial capital from 1000 € to 197.401,49 € in just 14 months!!! All these happened because we ensured a success rate of 53,31% on an average odd of 2,17 !!! 
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